Boomer was the pigeon representative at the Pigeon Day held at the Tackapusha Museum and Preserve on July 28, 2010. It was part of the summer project offered to local children -- each week something different. There was a display of the different types of pigeons, books about pigeons and some simple history. The children ranged from 4 to about 8 yrs old. Their auditorium which seats 80 showed the Disney film -- VALIENT -- a wonderful animated story about a diminutive pigeon who wants so much to be part of the pigeon core delivering messages during the war. Terrific film!
Boomer was great, and she loved the children and was totally in her glory, and not stressed at all. Their parents too enjoyed the thrill the children felt, and I know this has positively effected the children (and the parents) as to how wonderful pigeons are.
There was crafts too -- Wendy, the onsite manager, had the children make their own pigeons with toilet paper rolls, sparkles, crayons and feathers. These are the next generation of pigeon advocates, and hopefully this will make a difference. I saw their faces and their delight. And the parents spoke with me, amazed -- they had no idea how wonderful pigeons could be. They plan hold another National Pigeon Day again next year.
Thank you Italia for sending this to me!