Ana A. Garcia

Photo credits: Adesina Sanchez
National Pigeon Day Slideshow (please do not reproduce without permission)
See what our speakers had to say
Happy LOL Day Images
National Pigeon Day Cookies
More pictures here.
Hello to all pigeon friends, advocates and lovers and thank you to all who made it happen!
It was good to see many old and new friends at our first National Pigeon Day which was a whopping success. The weather cooperated with us and NYC Parks Department personnel were helpful and cooperative. Thank you to the NYC Parks Department for allowing us to use their beautiful space Pilgrim Hill. If you have not visited there, you are missing one of New York City's nicest areas. Nearby is a pond, restrooms and a lovely quiet ambience. The only thing missing are: PIGEONS. I did not spot one during the four hours we were there.
Thank you to our wonderful New York Press who provided great coverage of the event.
I would like to thank all of our speakers with special thank you's to Councilman Tony Avella and Joe Franklin who gave a nice talk about his love for pigeons. If you have not met and spoken with Joe, you are missing someone very special. His warm and pleasing personality added a sparkle and magic to everything. It is easy to see why he is such a success. Also special thanks to Nellie McKay singing Feed the Pigeons on her ukelele and her music friends Tina Trachtenburg and her young daughter Rachel who joined in were sweet and delightful. Thank you all.
And thank you you to all our speakers -- Karen Davis of United Poultry Concerns who travelled from Virginia and our Master of Ceremonies Amanda Tree. It was a beautiful afternoon filled with good spirit, peace and harmony.
I hope to see you all again at our next one on Saturday, June 13, 2009, and please feel free to write with any suggestions.
Desi Sanchez, our webperson took photos and some film footage and I will post them as soon as she has them ready, so please check the site for updates.
In the meantime, I found some post National Pigeon Day material on the internet which I will post sporadically.
Thank you again to EVERYONE, and the pigeons thank coooooo. If I have left anyone out, thank cooooooo too.
Anna Dove
New York Bird Club
Belated National Happy Pigeon Day
The New York City Blog